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As meeting planners, we all know how important it is to get delegate feedback about the event we've spent months planning. Whether the client, sponsors, or delegates paid for the event, we need to know what worked well, and more importantly, what didn't work!

But let's face it - you're too busy dealing with the rest of the details that will make your event a resounding success!

Do you need someone who can:

  1. Help you decide what needs to be evaluated
  2. Use sound, scientifically validated principles to ask the right question, the right way
  3. Design a simple, effective evaluation form
  4. Improve response rates
  5. Input the data from the collected forms
  6. Provide a complete statistical analysis of all data collected (including response rates, means, standard deviations, medians, ranges for each question)
  7. Prepare a detailed, client-ready Conference Evaluation Summary Report with a 1-page Overview of Highlights
  8. Do it all under your company's banner

MedSci Communications & Consulting Co. can handle all of your conference evaluation needs. From developing the questions and designing the forms, to inputting the data and running a proper statistical analysis to obtain the results, we'll take care of it for you. Finally, we present the complete results of the delegate responses in a client-ready Conference Evaluation Summary Report that includes a one-page summary of the highlights, problems and key issues.

For a Sample Price List, based on real events and real evaluation forms, click here.

Scientifically Validated

Have you ever wondered if your current evaluation forms ask the right questions, so that you find out what the delegates really think? If you've asked too many questions? Too few? Are they the right kinds of questions? As researchers and scientists, we rely on tested, published and validated scientific principles to develop questions that will reveal delegates' true opinions.

Our delegate evaluation forms are:

  1. Developed in consultation with you, the planner.
  2. Customized to your event and its unique challenges.
  3. Designed to measure what you need to know.
  4. Designed to ask the right questions, the right way.
  5. Simple and effective.
  6. Based on scientifically validated methods.

What We'll Do

Ok, so you've collected the delegates' responses. Now what? Just give MedSci Communications the completed forms and we will:

  1. Input all of the raw data into Excel spreadsheets.
  2. Run a complete statistical analysis of all data collected, including response rate, mean, standard deviation, median and range for each question.
  3. For a larger event with a strong delegate response, subdivide the data by demographic criteria (such as doctors vs nurses, investigators vs students, government vs non-government, Ontario vs rest of Canada, etc.) and run statistical analyses to determine any real differences in opinion between the groups.
  4. Prepare a final Conference Evaluation Summary Report.

Conference Evaluation Summary Report

The Conference Evaluation Summary Report consists of 3 sections:

Section 1: Overview of Highlights
A one-page snapshot of the conference, describing what "wow"ed the delegates, what really didn't work, and any key issues or elements of the event.
Section 2: Statistics
The demographics of the group, and the results for each question, including response rate, mean, standard deviation, median, and range.
The results of any additional analyses if the responses are subdivided by group.
Section 3: Appendix
An Excel spreadsheet of the raw data.

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Sample Price List

Every conference program is unique, and each event will have different key issues that need to be evaluated. As a result, the total fee to design the delegate evaluation form, input and analyze all data, and prepare the final report will vary somewhat with each event. And it clearly takes longer to input the data from an evaluation form with 30 questions than a form with 15 questions. But we've provided a couple of examples, based on real events and real evaluation forms, to give you an idea of the price range for our services.

Example 1: One-Day Conference

2 Keynote Speakers,
1 Plenary Session,
2 Concurrent Sessions (each with 4 streams of programming),
Poster Session.

  1. Consultation on key measures
  2. Design evaluation form
  3. Data Input (based on 100 responses*)
  4. Statistical Analysis
  5. Conference Evaluation Summary Report

Total Cost: $895*

* For each additional 20 responses, add $25.

Example 2: Two-and-a-half-Day Conference

3 Plenary Sessions,
7 Concurrent Sessions (each with 3 streams of programming),
Poster Session,
Trade Show,
Reception/Banquet Dinner.

  1. Consultation on key measures
  2. Design evaluation form
  3. Data Input (based on 100 responses)
  4. Statistical Analysis
  5. Conference Evaluation Summary Report

Total Cost: $1,150†

For each additional 15 responses, add $25.

For a customized quotation for your event, click here to email us.

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